I'm sure it'll look really neat with the screen set up in the bandshell, and everyone on the grass in chairs and on blankets, but I don't have photos of that yet, so here's the movie poster instead!
It's the long weekend, and we wanted to celebrate and offer something back to the community to say thanks for another great season, so we bugged the Museum & Archives of Vernon to help us do some grants through the Vancouver Foundation, and then after that Tourism Vernon came to the rescue with the rest of the funding for tonites event.
Our little market, along with the Museum & Archives and Tourism Vernon for that matter, are committed to the City of Vernon's parks plan for positive use of Polson Park. We've made a lot of memories in the park again this year, and tonite will be outstanding, getting to hang out with everyone a little later, enjoy the cool evening, and watch a classic from the 90's (and potentially all cry together lol).
Starting at 3:30 is the night market, and they will wrap up as the movie starts at 7:30, so come on down, get some snacks/dinner, and hang out for the evening. Larissa MacNeill is playing tonite too, from 430 to 630, she's been very popular at our markets this year!
Vendor list for this week:
Spiderlady design
ECHT Authentic Austrian
Crafty Cat
Supermom Cass Creations
Kubbs fine fruit and crystals
Vernon Entrenched People Against Discrimination
Creations by Nicci
Happy Hippie Co
Sweet Popd Popcorn + Sweets
Three sons silversmith
Salsational Salsa
Okanagan Thrifters
Bags & Bling
Valley Lifestyle
Shannons Garlic
Debz Glitz
Jewels of HOPE
Sisters Specialty Sweets
Buddies Ect.
Tiny Terrace Farm
jools & joplin
Little Bach Co Baby Homes & Gifts Ltd - Oka Studio Print and Design
Drummond Studio
Charlottes Magic Snacks
Geek chic buttons
Harry & Stellas Family Farm
Knots + Pine
Cara's creations
City of Vernon - Greater Vernon Recreation Services
Vulgar Art
Gary's woodfired pizza
Lil Lias REAL Frozen Yogurt
The Sudsery
Fanciful Gallery
Shabbang Food Truck
Luxe and Love Creations
Crepe Bistro
Lindes Gifts and More
The Limping Wolf Woodcraft
Summer Farm
Heart & Mind Tarot
Forbidden Spirits Distilling Corp.
jams practice
JNS Unique Creations
After Dark Distillery Ltd
Damselfly Alpacas